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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

3rd May 2008
Windsurfing: Tenby Southbeach
Wind Direction: SE'ly
Wind Stength: F4-5
Surf / Sea State: 2ft surf
Air Temperature: 19
Sea Temperature: 13
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Bit late with this post, but only just got back from a bank holiday weekend in Pembrokeshire! Only got one day of sailing, but it was a goody. Tenby Southbeach in a F4-5 SE'ly (bolt onshore) and brilliant sun. Struggled to get off the beach through the small but punchy waves due to the onshore wind, but once out the back I had a ball. At low tide there seemed to be a sand bar in the middle of the beach where the waves were breaking - so easy to get on to by coming at them from the side. Had one or two jack up perfectly (no skill, pure chance) and was able to ride them for quite a way in a very amateurish way! Such a great feeling! Once further down the beach however, there was a very strong rip on the inside, and it was hard to get back out, especially as the beach was slightly horseshoe shaped, and so it was and up wind nightmare to get out. Ended up doing the walk of shame, then repeating the whole exercise! After doing that a few times I was shattered! But by then the wind was dropping. Definitely worth the effort though... and no boots!!

Also checked out a few other beaches - Freshwater West (sooo beautiful!), Manorbier, and Dale. Really makes me want to move there - can't believe the area it's not better known.Best kept secret in Britain I reckon...
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